
Slate vcc sale
Slate vcc sale

When Fabrice and I analyzed the RED, we found out that it was indeed a very unique beast. WOW! One of the clearest, punchiest sounding rock mixes I’d ever heard come out of my own speakers. The first thing I did was put it on my mix in the settings that Chris showed me… 1.5:1, attack around 10/11 o’clock, auto release, compressing just 2-3db tops. This was puzzling because I usually associated a faster attack with a loss of transient punch, but if you’ve heard Chris’s mixes you know that they are the exact opposite of that! So being the classic gearslut, I bought one, (I got the unit with both input and output transformers). I thought it was odd actually: here was this compressor that nobody else seemed to really use, and it was on a setting at 1.5:1 and the attack looked very fast for a Mix-Buss compressor.

Slate vcc sale Offline#

  • Real-time and Offline Oversampling Settings.This compressor is based on the classic RED-faced compressor that has been a favorite of mix legend Chris Lord Alge, who first showed it to me when I visited his studio years ago.
  • Global and Group Level Calibration Settings.
  • Add Extra Harmonics and Saturation with the Added Drive Parameter.
  • Adds Depth, Width, Vibe and Tone to Digital Mixes.
  • Group Multiple Instances via Front Panel.
  • Includes two plugins that faithfully reproduce the signal path of the consoles channel and mixbuss.
  • Choose from 6 meticulously modelled analogue consoles.
  • Slate Digital VCC Virtual Console Collection Overview: Inputs and outputs can also be linked to keep level constant and a much requested noise reduction button has appeared to reduce the emulated noise of those consoles. The GUI has also been updated with a clearer separation between the black VCC Channel and the metallic Grey VCC Mixbuss. First a new Brit 4 E emulation has been added recreating the legendary sound of the SSL 4000 E console into the mix. With version 2, VCC brings the whole idea one step further by adding many new features and highly improved algorithms. This way you can create many different shades and colours that will expand your sonic palette like you never imagined before. Mix and match different channel strips with a different mix buss, or route different instrument groups through different channels and mixbuss instances. Unlike with analogue summing, the possibilities on offer here are endless. Slate Digital VCC’s clever design allows you to group several channels so that any changes made on one instance will affect all the other channels in that group, improving your workflow greatly. Select your console emulation between the 5 different emulations adjust the DRIVE knob to adjust how much of the mixer’s colour you wish to add. The Virtual Console Collection is very simple but powerful to use thanks to a clever layout. On the top of the cumulative non-linear behaviour of the mixbuss, Virtual Mixbuss adds crossfeed adding superior imaging and depth to your mix. Insert Virtual Mixbuss on your master buss and brings a brand new dimension never heard before on your DAW. Insert the Slate Digital Virtual Channel all each individual channel to add the non-linear behaviour of an analogue console’s channel strips imparting your DAW the personality of the mixer of your choice. Slate Digital VCC Virtual Console Collection includes 2 different plug-in Virtual Channel and Virtual Mixbuss working together to recreate the signal path of 5 of the most famous analogue consoles. Slate Digital VCC Virtual Console Collection brings the sound of famous analogue console to your DAW breathing live to mixes done “in the box”.

    Slate vcc sale